Wind River

Wind River
Articles related to Wind River
Software & OS

Seamless RTOS Transition: Migrating to VxWorks - Story

August 30, 2024

QNX and VxWorks are prominent real-time operating system choices in the embedded systems arena, each offering distinct advantages and a loyal customer base. As the field of embedded systems development undergoes change, both are evolving to meet new challenges.

Networking & 5G

TSN Promises to Keep Your Time-Critical Data On-Track - Story

June 14, 2024

Time-Sensitive Networking, better known as TSN in the embedded community, is the IEEE 802.1Q defined standard technology that provides deterministic messaging over standard Ethernet networks.


Wind River Studio Developer Supports DevSecOps Adoption for the Intelligent Edge - News

April 24, 2024

ALAMEDA, CA — Wind River® announced the latest release of Wind River Studio Developer, an edge-to-cloud DevSecOps platform designed to accelerate the development, deployment, and operation of mission-critical systems. The new enhancements and delivery models for Wind River Studio are designed to help software teams adopt cloud-native development capabilities that support DevSecOps approaches.

Open Source

Engineering Hero: Time Synchronization for CERN’s LHC - Video

March 12, 2024

To kick off the ninth installment of Engineering Heroes, we’re doing something a little different.


Embedded Executive: What’s Real and What’s Hype in EVs, Wind River - Podcast

January 10, 2024

I feel like we have been two years away from fully autonomous vehicles for the last five years. It gets difficult to differentiate between what’s accurate and what’s fiction. To try to get at the truth, I spoke to Avijit Sinha, the newly appointed President of Wind River for this week’s Embedded Executive podcast. We get into the hardware, the software, and the standards. Note that Avijit was promoted just after we recorded this podcast!

Networking & 5G

Engineering Hero: Inspiring the Next Generation with Interactive Radio Kits - Story

November 01, 2023

Welcome to the fourth installment of Engineering Heroes, sponsored by Wind River, where we take a closer look at the lives of unsung heroes in the world of engineering whose work impacts uncountable lives across the globe. See the bottom of the article for additional content on Levi Zima and our other heroes.

Networking & 5G

Engineering Hero: An Early Start in Development Helps You Start Others Early Too - Video

October 17, 2023

In this fourth installment of our Engineering Heroes series, sponsored by Wind River, we honor Levi Zima, an RF Microwave Engineer. Levi was born in Oregon, spent several years of childhood in Wisconsin, and currently resides in Florida, just north of Orlando.